Meeting Management

This workshop is designed to give your participants the basic tools you need to initiate and manage their meetings. They will learn planning and leading techniques that will give then the confidence to run a meeting that will engage the attendees and leave a positive and lasting impression. Through this workshop your participants will learn the needed skills in planning and implementing a successful meeting.

The Meeting Management workshop will explore how to reduce waste and make meetings more efficient. This is a hands-on workshop and your participation will help make it a valuable experience. Use this time to begin the process of developing your skills along with other participants who share the same desire to improve their meeting management skills.

The course can be taken at your own pace and all results are recorded electronically.

In order to obtain your certificate you must first successfully complete these topics:

    1. View and complete the e-learning
    2. Achieve a score of at least 80% in the quiz
    3. Complete and submit the feedback form

Once these activities are marked complete your certificate will be available to download and print.