Enrolment options

Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box

Creativity allows individuals to view every aspect on earth, explore new paths, and find new discoveries that help to advance our consistently thriving world of business. Without creativity, we would only see what is visible to the eye. To evolve as a business, it is critical to look beyond what is visible and consider new ideas. When creativity is incorporated into daily workplace practices, there is an increase in opportunity for growth, engagement, and productivity.  Creativity and innovation will turn ideas and dreams into reality. 

This course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that will help shape a creative workplace. Creativity plays a big role in building a positive work environment, in which employees will feel confident in expressing their ideas. Be mindful that there is creativity in all of us. When this creativity emerges, powerful opportunities and advancements will happen.

The course can be taken at your own pace and all results are recorded electronically.

In order to obtain your certificate you must first successfully complete these topics:

  1. View and complete the e-learning
  2. Complete and submit the feedback form

Once these activities are marked complete your certificate will be available to download and print.

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